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Dentures in Hervey Bay

person leaning on couch smiling

If you are missing teeth due to damage, decay or injury, dentures are a convenient restorative option to replace teeth & restore your smile. At Hervey Bay Dental, we use state-of-the-art technology to create a perfect custom-made dental appliance for you!


What Are Dentures?

Dentures are removable false teeth used to replace missing teeth. These artificial teeth are customised to comfortably fit your mouth and designed to best match your natural teeth. Today’s removable missing teeth replacements are made from advanced materials designed to give you a natural appearance. However, remember that these false teeth should be cared for with the same diligence, just like your teeth. The removable appliances need to be cleansed of plaque, food particles and other debris. Keeping your devices in top shape will also help keep the soft tissues of your mouth healthy. An unclean or malformed denture can cause infections and irritation. Regular visits to your dentist are also critical. Our dentists can also make minor adjustments that ensure your appliance continues to fit naturally and comfortably.

person with white teeth smiling

Available Types

At our practice in Hervey Bay, we offer different types of dentures to suit your needs. These appliances can help enhance your appearance, allow you to enjoy food and speak comfortably.

  • Partials: These are suitable for patients who have lost only one or a few of their natural teeth and wish to fill in the gap(s). They fill in the spaces where these teeth are missing & attach to your natural teeth with a metal clasp
  • Complete removable ones: A full appliance replaces all the natural in either the upper or lower jaw. They suit patients who have lost most or all their natural teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a broken denture be repaired?

Yes, but remember that only a dentist or periodontist can fix broken or damaged dentures.

How much do these removable appliances cost?

The price depends on the type of dentures you need and the materials used. For example, complete ones will cost more than partials. For a more exact price point, book a consultation at Hervey Bay Dental.

Does insurance cover the cost of false teeth?

Some health or dental insurance providers will assist with the cost of dentures, while others may not, as the treatment can be considered cosmetic dentistry.

How long does it take to get dentures?

As every appliance needs to be customised to suit the individual, no exact time frame on the process can be given. As an estimate, it often takes approximately six weeks to three months, but may take longer. It depends on whether you require any teeth to be extracted, the healing time, and whether it is a full denture or partial denture.

Get in Touch with Us Today

If your missing teeth are making you self conscious, dentures can be the perfect affordable, pain-free solution to help you smile with confidence. To find out if they are right for you, call (07) 4125 5099 to book your consultation today with a dentist!


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Dentures Hervey Bay QLD | (07) 4125 5099