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Root Canal Treatment in Hervey Bay

illustration of root canalsRoot canals are tiny passageways that branch off from beneath the top of the tooth, coursing their way vertically downward, until they reach the tip of the root. All teeth have between one and four root canals.

Many tooth problems involve infections that spread to the pulp, which is the inner chamber of the tooth containing blood vessels, nerves and other tissues. When the infection becomes worse, it can begin to affect the roots. A traumatic injury to a tooth can also compromise the pulp, leading to similar problems.

A diseased inner tooth brings many problems. Pain and sensitivity are the first indications of a problem. However, a spreading infection can cause small pockets of pus to develop, leading to a dental abscess.

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

This remarkable therapy at Hervey Bay Dental has a high success rate, and involves removing the diseased tissue, halting the spread of infection, and restoring the healthy portion of the tooth. In fact, root canal therapy is designed to save a problem tooth.

Before the RCT procedure was developed and gained acceptance, the only alternative for treating a diseased tooth was extraction.

What Does the Procedure Involve?

RCT usually involves one to three visits. During the first visit, a small hole is drilled through the top of the tooth and into the inner chamber. Diseased tissue is removed, the inner chamber cleansed and disinfected, and the tiny canals reshaped.

The cleansed chamber and canals are filled with an elastic material and medication designed to prevent infection. If necessary, the drilled hole is temporarily filled until a permanent seal is made with a crown.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the symptoms of a root canal infection?

The most common symptoms include

  • Sensitivity when eating hot or cold food
  • Tooth discolouration
  • Swelling around your face or neck
  • Bad taste in your mouth
  • Tenderness around the site

Is a crown necessary after a root canal?

After having RCT, the tooth’s structural integrity will be compromised. For both aesthetic and functional purposes, a dental crown will need to be placed on the treated tooth.

What is involved in the procedure? Is it painful?

The treatment is very straightforward. First, our dentist will use local anaesthesia to numb the infected area. Then, the infected pulp and nerve in the root of the tooth will be removed. After that, the inside of your root canal will be cleaned. Finally, the space is filled and sealed.

Most patients who have done root canal treatment at Hervey Bay Dental have experienced little or no discomfort or pain, and enjoy a restored tooth that can last almost as long as its healthy original.

How much does this treatment cost?

The price of a root canal treatment will vary depending on how many teeth are affected, as well as the location of the tooth/teeth. As a rough guide, the average cost of a root canal procedure will range from $700 to $1800. This price does not include the dental crown.

How long does the treatment take?

A standard root canal procedure normally requires around two visits. The first session will involve creating an opening to provide root canal access. In the second session, the root canal will be cleaned and disinfected, sealed up, and protected from further damage.
A root canal treatment can take anywhere from one and a half hours to three hours. The treatment time will depend on the complexity of the case, the location of the infected tooth, and the number of infected teeth.

Does dental insurance cover RCT?

This treatment is a major procedure, and health insurance extras usually only cover routine procedures, such as check-ups. Unless you have high levels of extra coverage, chances are you will not be covered. To be sure, check your insurance policy to see if root canal treatment is included.

Contact Us

Do you feel pain in your gums, or are your gums swollen around a certain tooth? Please call today at (07) 4125 5099 or book an appointment today with our dentists. A root canal can save your teeth!

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Root Canal Treatment Hervey Bay QLD | (07) 4125 5099